Hello Fellow Wellness Warriors,
I am always amazed when a new patient comes in and shares with me their medical history. In terms of the amount of doctors and testing they have gone through. I ask them, what answers or what have you learned about your health challenges or symptoms? Most often the reply is, well I don’t really have any answers to what is causing my health issues. And I was prescribed medication(s) to treat the symptoms and sent on my way.
Some have gone through many expensive tests only to come up with up with a possible/working diagnosis and prescribed meds to treat the symptoms. Oftentimes, people come to see me out of sheer desperation and looking for some answers to their unexplained symptoms and health challenges.
Holistic health care takes a totally different approach to finding out what is causing symptoms and health challenges, and, helping people get truly well.
There is cause and effect. Or as Dr. Joe Dispenza often says, causing an effect.
We want to do a deep dive and really see what is causing your persistent, unexplained symptoms.
Symptoms are simply your body ‘s way of communicating that there are issues or functional imbalances that it cannot correct on its own. Treating or quieting the symptoms is muting the body’s communication channels.
We want to listen to the body and really see what the true cause of the symptoms are and effectively address that.
That, is the real health challenge. Not the symptoms.
That takes more work on both the patient and the doctor than taking a prescription medication to treat symptoms.
By the time symptoms appear, the body is challenged.
It has already tried to deal with the underlying issues. Possibly for some time.
Issues appear when the body can no longer handle the underlying, unseen functional imbalances. It takes work and a holistic approach to the body to find these answers.
I personally combine the ZYTO computer technology along with applied kinesiology testing to get feedback from the body to get answers. It is a deep dive into the functionality of the body. The body literally tells a “story” that explains what is going on. The comment I hear from patients most often is, “That makes sense.”
I love hearing that because that tells me they finally got some answers.
What is your body trying to tell you? Are you listening?
You have one amazing body. Health is a dynamic, ever changing, ongoing goal.
Even if you are asymptomatic, do you thing your body is functioning at its very best?
Maybe take a deep-dive to see how your body is functioning to make functional corrections that you don’t see.
Do that quarterly. It is a wise investment in your most precious asset – your body and health. To move you in the direction of optimal health and away from dis-ease.
If you have any questions feel free to email me back.
Please forward this email to someone who may be looking for answers to their health challenges.
Yours in Optimal Health,
Dr. Karp