Good Sunday and Happy July 4th Weekend,
It is always my intention to share relevant information that
has a positive and beneficial impact on you.
This being July 4th weekend some of us may drink more wine or spirits.
As you may know, alcohol and the human body don’t hit it off that well.
It is known alcohol has negative effects up on the body…
Let’s just say the body prefers organic, farm to table, nutrient dense…
As far as other beverages go, that is another story.
Most beverages, bottled water, coffee, power drinks, etc. are (highly) processed.
From manufacturing, to bottling, to shipping and storage on shelves.
Bottled water and other beverages may sit for a year before you drink it.
They may lose whatever life-force they may of once had.
I developed a technology called the BOCE coaster.
BOCE stands for balance, optimize, coherence and enliven.
When you place any drink on the BOCE coaster, energetically
it becomes just that, balanced, optimized, coherent and enlivened.
Like mother nature’s falling rainwater over the Atlantic ocean.
Or water coming down from a beautiful waterfall.
Now it becomes body friendly.
I have tested this on many occasions.
When I treat people with computer-assisted acupuncture, their whole body
becomes deeply and energetically balanced, optimized, coherent and enlivened.
If I place a glass of any beverage on the body, it immediately throws the body totally out of balance.
Bottled water, coffee, sports drinks, wine, tequila, you name it.
When I place that same beverage on the BOCE coaster for 3 minutes.
Then place it back on the body.
Energetically, the body stays in that unique balanced and coherent state!
Even with alcohol.
I personally place everything I drink on the BOCE coaster.
Water, teas, smoothies, even lentil vegetable soup.
In addition, beverages taste noticeably smoother, flavors and notes are brought forth,
texture is smoother, acidity and after-taste are reduced and just a more enjoyable experience.
If you are reading this email you are likely committed to your health and well-being.
You care about the foods you eat – organic, alive, farm to table, easily assimilate by the body, nutrient-dense, etc.
It is time to consider the beverages you ingest every hour.
Are they truly body-friendly and do they resonate with your body?
Invest in BOCE technology. It is $29.95 for a set of two. There is a discount code and free shipping.
Use it under all your beverages.
You’ll notice the taste enhancements.
And now, your bottled water, coffee, alcohol and anything else energetically will be body-friendly. Yeah!
Go to and get a set.
They last forever.
Please share this with someone you care about who drinks water and any beverage.
They don’t know about this technology. They will be glad you did.
Have a great and safe July 4th.
Yours in Optimal Health,
Dr. Karp